
Articles & Book Chapters

Kassel, K., Mitchell, S.M., Abord-Hugon Nonet, G. (2020). A Comparative Analysis of USA Enterprise Support Organizations for Conscious Capitalism and Conventional Capitalism, in Novotny, A., Rasmussen, E., Clausen, T.H., Wiklund, J. (Eds.) Research Handbook on Start-Up Incubation Ecosystems. Cheltenham, England: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Kassel, K. (2015). Corporate leaders and sustainability. In  D. Willis, F. Steier, & P. Stillman (Eds.) Sustainability Leadership: Integrating Values, Meaning, and Action, Fielding Monograph Series, Vol. 5 (135-165).. Santa Barbara, CA: Fielding Graduate University.

Kassel, K. (Ed.), Rimanoczy, I. (Ed.). (2018). Developing a Sustainability Mindset in Management Education. London: Routledge,

Nonet, G., Kassel, K., & Rodhain, F. (2015). How do business schools support internal innovation and work on their strategy and their reputation? The case of responsible managementJournal of Innovation Economics Management, (2), 69-98.

Kassel, K. (2012). The circle of inclusion: Sustainability, CSR and the values that drive themJournal of Human Values18(2), 133-146.

Nonet, G., Kassel, K., & Meijs, L. (2016). Understanding responsible management: Emerging themes and variations from European business school programs. Journal of Business Ethics, 139 (4), 717.

Smendzuik-O'Brien, J. (2019). Maintaining the garden: Episodes in sustainability and organization development. In K. S. Rogers & M. L. Snowden (Eds.), The Fielding scholar practitioner: Voices from 45 years of Fielding Graduate University (pp. 50-58). Santa Barbara, CA: Fielding Graduate University. 

Conference Papers, Proceedings & Presentations

Kassel, K. Corporate leaders and sustainability: The role of value orientation in sustainable change. (2011) Paper presented at the Corporate Responsibility Research Conference, Leeds, England.

Smendzuik-O’Brien, J. (2023) Sustainability: Acting for Social and Ecological Justice, Fielding Graduate University 49th Anniversary Call Across the Globe, 2023. Panel presenter.