Learn about different software to help save, organize and cite your research.

Video tutorials

For more in-depth information on these topics, please view the video tutorial segments in the boxes below.

Saving items video

Saving items manually video


This information on this page is from Zotero's documentation page: https://www.zotero.org/support/collections_and_tags#creating_collections


This page details how to save articles, book chapters, and other resources to your Zotero library.

Important information

Fielding Library offers students the ability to link to subscription resources within our databases using several different tools, such as FASTsearch, Google Scholar, and LibKey Nomad.  In order to save the full-text of a document and not just the citation, you must be on the abstract page of the database that indexes the full-text of the article.

Adding items to Zotero

To save an item to your collection, simply click the Zotero save icon.  The Zotero save icon (circled in red below) appears to the right of your browser's address bar:

In order to save the full-text of an article or book chapter, you must see this icon:

The Zotero icon will change depending upon what type of resource you are viewing.

Here are several different icons.  Clicking on these will save available information, often enough to create a citation, but will not save the full-text of the document or book chapter:





Some webpages don't provide any information that Zotero can recognize. On these pages, the save button will show a gray webpage icon. If you click the save button on these pages, Zotero will import the page as a “Web Page” item with a title, URL, and access dates.


Multiple Results or collections:

Some webpages that contain information about multiple items (for example, lists of FASTsearch results), the save button will be appear as a folder icon: Clicking this folder icon will open a window where you can select the items that you want to save to Zotero.  Be aware that this method only saves citations, not the full-text of the individual articles:


Adding more....

For information about adding other types of resources to your Zotero library, see Zotero's documentation page.

Learn how to:

Add files to your Zotero library

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Retrieve PDF metadata

Import from other reference managers