The Mendeley Web Importer can be installed to your browser to import references from a range of databases. To install and use the Web Importer:
When you have located a title or titles you would like to add to Mendeley from a database or catalog search:
Mendeley Web syncs with your Mendeley desktop to provide Web-based access to your research and sharing resources.
Mendeley Web allows you to create, edit, and share citations online. Once you click on the 'My Library' tab in Mendley Web, simply click on a citation title to expand the abstract, view attached documents, and edit citation details and tags.
The short video below will walk you through setting up your Mendeley Web profile:
Major portions of this guide were created using the Mendeley LibGuide published by the University of Pittsburgh's University Library System. We thank Pitt for kindly granting us permission to reuse portions of their guide.