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IECD Library Resources: Useful Resources

Oxford Handbook Titles

Top IECD Databases (accessible via Moodle)

The Fielding library also offers access to a variety of other databases covering many subjects and disciplines.  All databases are accessible via the Fielding Library website which can be reached via Moodle or MyFielding.

Useful Journal Titles

Journal:  Autism

Database: SAGE Humanities and Social Sciences

Journal: Infant Mental Health

Database: Wiley-Blackwell 

Journal: Child Development

Database: Wiley-Blackwell

Journal: Zero to Three
Access: The publisher discontinued this journal in June, 2023. They do not offer institutional access. However, you are welcome to request titles from this journal through interlibrary loan. If you are a Zero to Three member you may also access a limited archive of content via your membership on their website.