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Using PubMed in the Library

Fielding Library users can access PubMed content in two ways:

  1. By selecting PubMed in our alphabetic 'Databases' list, or 
  2. By creating a MyNCBI account on the public PubMed site and setting up preferences to connect to Fielding's collection. (Instructions in the box below). 

Regardless of the route, once access is set up through Fielding you will experience the same interface. All records in PubMed will display a 'Fielding: Check for Full Text' icon:


Clicking on that icon will let you check Fielding's collection for access to a particular work. If we have access, you will be connected to the full-text of the article. If we do not have access, you will be connected to a 'No Results' page. If desired, follow the 'Interlibrary Loan' link on the no results page to request a copy of the article through our loan service. 


Connecting through your MyNCBI Account

Follow the steps below to connect Fielding to your MyNCBI account. This allows you to connect to the public PubMed site and log in to your account to access the content within our collection. 

1. Register for a MyNCBI account:

2. Once logged in, click on 'MyNCBI Site Preferences' at the top of the page:

3. Scroll down to the 'PubMed Preferences' section and click on the 'Outside Tool' link:

4. Select Fielding Graduate University from the list of institutions and click 'Save':


You have completed set up. In the future, log in to your MyNCBI before searching PubMed in order to access the works available in our collection. If you take this route, when you click to access a work you will be required to input your Moodle credentials (to authenticate) before being directed to the full-text.

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